Shallow (a poem)

Shallow, shallow is my heart,

A void that yearns to be filled,

But all I find is emptiness,

A chasm that can never be stilled.

I seek for things that do not last,

For beauty that fades with time,

I chase the wind, I chase the past,

And leave true love behind.

I am lost in my own reflection,

A prisoner of my own desire,

I am shallow, shallow to my core,

A soul that can never aspire.

But oh, how I long to be deep,

To feel and to love with all my heart,

To break free from this shallow sleep,

And be a person of substance, a work of art.

So let me be shallow no more,

Let me reach for the depths of the sea,

And in the depths, forevermore,

I’ll find the truth and be set free.

Recently, OpenAi unleashed ChatGPT onto the world!  For the uninitiated, this new technology seems to rhyme with Arthur C Clarke’s famous quote “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”.  Then came the “tsunami” of attention-seeking headlines.  Harvard Business Review wrote “ChatGPT is a Tipping Point of AI”, ACS quipped “ChatGPT could be ‘nuclear weapon’ for cyber war”, and an opinion piece in Bloomberg read “ChatGPT Could Make Democracy Even more Messy”.  These are a few headlines that landed in my inbox based on my archaic search abilities (ChatGPT could have done better!).  Essentially it is based on GPT-3 which is an advanced language-based machine learning model augmented by reinforcement learning (no need to add here that it is based on Human-feedback – thank god it’s not based on AI feedback).  Old wine in a new bottle.

Although the media has blown it to new heights based on its probable and prospective applications, what I am most excited about is its application in creative fields.  Creativity, as it stands was the sole domain of humans born with grey cells which can be inspired, synthesized, and excited to create expressions deemed impossible for machines to mimic.  Really?

If you thought I wrote the poem called Shallow at the beginning of this post then you would be wrong – that was written by ChatGPT – which shows the true ingenuity of this algorithm.  I cannot wait to see what else can it do.  Note, I had to provide the context (“Shallow”) to the algorithm.  It didn’t read my mind and thought of reciting poetry to me!  I can still keep my job but enjoy outsourcing some mundane tasks to this algo (like writing official emails) which can save me a lot of time!

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Arjun Paliwal says:

    Old wine in a new bottle – agreed haha

    Agree regarding outsourcing some mundane tasks. It’s pretty helpful there.

    The thing that surprised me the most is just how quickly and the number of businesses launched in such a short time frame to use its capability and now claim AI in everything they do and how they solve X.


    1. Girish says:

      Indeed mate!


  2. Anju Nair says:

    Did you write that ?

    Sent from my iPhone


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